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That's actually a nice game! hope to  see an development, i always found annoying that mc is just like an empty character and not understanding how it manages to rizz up everyone, and here i can finally sense that mc is an human and not just an empty persona  that  can impact everyone differently and not equally,  i hope I can rizz up Diavolo here way easier then wait 100 chapters to rizz him up in game.



Thank you so much!! <3 Diavolo will definitely be rizzable quickly hehe and I will continue updating :)


I hate to say it but I made an account just for this. Like, come on!!! I finally can rizz Beel and Belphie! My favorite babies in the world!! Like in Obey Me Belphie always talks about running away with the MC and Beel, and Beel always wants to spend time with both MC and Belphie. The two would definitely be together with the MC because they both love Mc and care about each other!

Beel and Belphie would share the MC and there is no one that can change my mind!!

Also I really need to show Belphie how much I love and need him in this run because I will combust if I can't get him to understand my love for him. As for Beel... Give my baby some food!!! I swear if their were an option to give him a lollipop or something I would give it!!

But other then that.. keep the good work! Can't wait to see the other chapters and also be able to romance my two favorite twins.

Thank you!!


OMG!! i've only started playing this for a few minutes but i'm already excited to see the development of this. like genuinely. it's only in it's early stages but im definitely going to be checking up on this everyday! i'm also hoping that choices will have drastic changes (or small changes) to the stories in a way! i'm already loving how inclusive everything is and how customizable it is. especially with the MC's personality. i'm so excited to shape her personality!! i'm so hyped for this 😭

Omg thank you so much!! <3


AAAAA HOW EXCITING!!! I will definitely keep an eye on this :3 eventual Diavolo copppeeeeee!!!


The scream I scrumpt when I saw this. Actually so excited to start a playthrough- I loved the original game, but I ended up just getting so fed up with how everything was headed and how the quality seemed to dip during the second season! Extremely excited for this

Thank you!! <3


I cant wait to rizz up my Mammon


This is definitely going to be fire. I'm like, vibrating in excitement for this. Thank you !!


I agree that this game is something to look forward to. There's effort put in this and I can't deny that. But I was slightly disappointed that there was not much going in the first chapter. Perhaps I spoke too soon but most of the interactive choices given consists of "continue" and not much else. First impression is important to me but with the first chapter being mostly linear, it was a bit underwhelming. Personally, I would've wait it out or add a few more choices to the first chapter to keep the hype up. As other commentors said, this game was extremely inclusive and descriptive in terms of MC's customisation. I am also interested in the system of D.D.D in this project. However, I feel like it was not as inclusive in terms of MC's personality. The insignifant choices in Obey Me sometimes brings colour to MC's character and personally a wonderful addition to Obey Me. It's difficult to describe but this project seems to force me into thinking a certain way and act a certain way. It's a little stiff in that regard as I tend to insert my MC's personality. For example, one of my MC for Obey Me is a shy, meek character and would've definitely not speak so bluntly in front of an audience. So it was a bit off putting to play in accordance to what I am not used to. However, as I said, I may have spoken too soon. There is no knowing what will come of this project and there are more to come. And all the comments I made above are simply my humble opinion and preference on playing a role-playing game and should never be taken too seriously. I never intend to hurt the developers feelings if I did so by accident. I simply like to analyse my thought process while playing any sort of game.

Hello, thank you so much for your review! I really do appreciate the constructive criticism because it helps me improve. I'm currently working on the actual first version of the game (this demo is not completely reflective of the full product) where I've been trying to make it more flexible. As for the personality, it will be reflected more in the future chapters! It was a bit difficult to do so in the first chapter because the "personality stats" are at 0.

Once again though, thank you so much. I will definitely take your words into account and work on making the beginning more inclusive when it comes to personalities :) Hope you stick around for the first launch!

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking my useless ramble kindly. I've been told I can be quite blunt when giving out my penny for thoughts and it often results in me sounding like a jackass. As you can guess, it's something I haven't been able to fix just yet. I hate hurting people's feelings whether by accident or otherwise so I do hope you sincerely forgive me for that. However, do be aware that I am excited for the potential this project brings and I can't wait for further updates :)

Your ramble was not useless, it was actually really helpful :') And don't worry, I don't mind at all! I'm very glad you're excited!! <3


i honestly love this. obey me is such a nice game but i always get overwhelmed with so much to do when i enter the game so having just the story and choices that matter while having no forced harem is immediately good in my books plus the wonder customize is neat! cant wait to try and fail to rizz my way into lucifer's heart

Thank you, I'm so glad! <3 Good luck on the rizz haha 😂


I love how well written and detailed this is. Especially in the customization part of it. Can't wait to see how this goes on <33

Thank you! <3


Holy shit I'm so hyped for this.


This simply existing makes me so happy! Actions actually seem to have consequences (good and bad). And not just for Mammon. The MC feels like a real person too. Thank you so much for writing this I cannot wait to see what comes next!!


Omg thank you so much for the praise!! <3


I adore this! I was shocked to see how inclusive it was with looks, personality, etc. Also I love how you wrote the characters, really feels like them. I can't wait to see where this goes! Hoping it really does go more into depth on lore and situations, along with a darker approach since it's literal demons. I think that was my main issue with the game--a game about literal demon rulers, yet it was rare to see them recognized as the powerful demons they were. 

Thank you so much! I had the same issues when I was playing the og game so don’t worry, there will be a lot more lore and it will be darker as the story goes on :)


i like that i can change the contact names :>

satans is infact just a cat emoticon i made :3

Aww! I’m glad you like it :)


i am in love w/ mammon thank u for your hard work i'm so happy to see someone willingly put effort into an obey me fan game <3

Thank you sm for the support! :')


THIS IS ACTUALLY SO SICK- So excited to see where this goes!!

Thank you! :)


OMLL i love this sm !! <333 i'm rlly looking forward to this story!


Thank you!! <3


I'd look forward to the story, but this version won't have the incest plotline, right? That was the thing that most bothered me about the original, with the MC being related to the love interests, no matter how distantly, and the siblings being flirty with one another. 

(1 edit) (+8)

I don't mean to be rude, but the "brothers" are not related by blood, they are brothers in the same way warriors/soldiers consider themselves family, as in "band of brothers", the only true relatives are Satan and Lucifer, since Satan was born of Lucifer's wrath and never actually an angel himself as the others were. They act as family because when they arrived in the Devildom they had no one but each other to lean on and grew that much closer from it.

Oh, ok. It never stated this during the time I played it (multiple years ago), so me and most other people at the time assumed something else.


As HisPrettyPuppy said, it’s true that none except Satan and Lucifer are related by blood. However, since they do act like it and the flirtatious tones are uncomfortable for many, that won’t be a part of this version and neither will the whole “Lilith’s descendant” thing :)


Looking so forward to the finished story! As someone who quits playing obey me at least once a year or so (it feels like a job and I literally play for the story and side stories) I'm so happy about this! I don't know if I'll join the discord, but I'm a writer as well, so can offer advice or proofread (my specialty is nsfw writing)!

Thank you so much! <3


I'M SO SO SO EXCITED!! This is such a good idea and tysm!
omw to follow this on like every platform because I was literally daydreaming about this 2 days ago :D <3


Awh thank you!! So happy to hear it :)


Will we be able to romance Simeon and the rest of the dateables? 


Yep! Right from the get-go.


Thank you, wonderful stranger, ot should I say, hero. You're doing a great work and all of us (especially me lol) are greatful for it! Loved every second of it!

Thank you so much! <3

This game (official game) that's for free (the whole game) came out Dec 11 2019.


I loved it! Please, do let me know when more chapters come out! I need to romance Mammon

Thank you so much! New updates are announced on Twitter and Discord if you'd like to follow either of those! ^^


Alright! Thank you!! :]


omg, I love this and I love you, beautiful stranger. I've wanted something like this for ages! I'm not sure if you need any help/support in the writing process, but I'd be happy to lend a hand!

Thank you so much ahh <3 Have you joined the discord? I'd love to discuss the details if you'd still like to help!


ohhh I have not! I'll do that today :D


i love you so much for this, stopped playing the game long time ago and this brought me back to my schoolgirl crush era

Thank you haha, I'm so glad you liked it!


i stopped playing obey me pretty much after the whole belphie thing wrapped up because i was so dissatisfied with how it went but i am very excited to follow the development of this, it's great so far! i'm so happy there are people out there brave enough to tackle rewriting the monster that is obey me; there are so many things about the og game i could complain about LMAO

also i've been in love with diavolo for absolutely no discernible reason since the very beginning so to actually be able to date him will be great

wishing you all the best in your game development journey <3


Thank you so much!! I apologize if this sounds weird but I'd actually be happy to hear about your complaints haha since it definitely helps to see what players would like changed about the og!

I appreciate the support a lot :)


i do not know why this took 4 months for me to see but uh HAHA SORRY. i honestly don't remember much of the game, however i did write down all my personal complaints into my notes app approximately 3 years ago so i'll just copy that here LMAO feel free to disregard this entirely if this is too late though AJHGSKHG sorry again for the late response!!

  • what the hell is up with all the........ comments........ asmo makes about his brothers and their bodies. gross
  • demon brothers constantly and GENUINELY trying to/almost murdering mc and no one cares. like. what lol not even an apology </3
  • i can't tell if lucifer actually likes mc or if he just enjoys a physical relationship with them which. is fine but like. can we establish that beforehand maybe and if you want more than a physical relationship can you express that thank you bc i'm pretty sure he just has a one-sided crush on diavolo and he just uses mc to take his mind off him HELP
  • the Mammon Stupid Ignore Mammon jokes get old so fast. i swear every time the demon brothers are in the same room there's always a "ur dumb trash mammon lol" or mammon going "HEY STOP IGNORING ME" like do you want us to laugh all 64937447 times you make the same joke. it's actually depressing at this point
  • the humour in this game is kind of trash like. oh my god don't even get me started on that one "ew asmo stop breathing down my neck like that" "i'm literally on the other side of the room" "THEN WTF IS THAT WET STUFF ON MY SHOULDER?" "IT'S NOT ME" "IF IT'S NOT YOU THEN WHO---" *cerberus roars* scene like yes girl give us nothing
  • mammon's entire character is so sad actually. & i don't even mean Depressing Traumatic Backstory kind of sad i just mean it's sad because he's so pathetic he literally can't do anything. all he does is sit around whining, pissing people off, getting ignored and obsessing over spending money. he's not very bright, nor is he even that nice..... he barely has any redeeming qualities.,..,.. i'm even saying this as someone who likes mammon LMAO he was my favourite of the brothers before beel and satan got more screentime. BUT PLEASE make him more charming. he can still be greedy and kind of pathetic but like if he's more charismatic about it, it would make him so much more tolerable!!!!! also make it more genuine greed instead of it being "haha mammon's credit card got confiscated again bc he spent too much money on smth dumb" WHERE'S THE FLAVOUR. WHERE'S THE PRIMADONNA GIRL BY MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS THIS GUY'S SUCH A LOSER???
  • on that note how are these guys the most powerful demons in the devildom. i could beat any of them (other than beel or lucifer) in a fistfight if they stayed in their human forms. hell i could beat them with a DISS TRACK.
  • also? literally no one in the entire ANYWWHERE has any kind of respect for any of the brothers other than lucifer? which is probably for humour reasons but. hello. did you not introduce them as POWERFUL DEMONS. LITERAL AVATARS OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. and yet no one knows them for that also they all feel weak af. can't protect themselves from anything at any time??? can't kill a single Big Snake without help from magic human friend? gets themselves unjustly accused for murder and just makes it so bad that their PUNY HUMAN FRIEND WHO JUST SHOWED UP ONE DAY has to sort it out for them???? these "TOP TIER DEMON LORDS" are so Utterly powerless it makes me wonder what the rest of the demon population is like. i could probably sneeze on an average demon and it'd evaporate. make it make sense
  • GIVE ME MORE EQUAL SCREENTIME. i'm not a fan of asmobelphielevi for several reasons but i would LOVE to see them more often JUST TO GET MORE OF SATAN AND BEEL. bc i feel like lucifer and mammon definitely get the most uhh attention? when it comes to who hangs out with mc the most it's mammon for Sure, but like lucifer still does a lot of stuff. like be in love with diavolo. Lol
  • can we get more cute stuff where i actually feel like the brothers Care about MC instead of feeling like the reward for a cock fighting contest because like. hi guys. u know that just bc they're a human they're still a real person with real feelings and not a trophy to be passed around right
  • can we make the romances less about what MC can do for the brothers........ and make it more MUTUAL... please.......... pleas
  • need more choices... neeed more....... there are times and games where i don't mind if my choices don't matter and this is NOT one of them. ESPECIALLY THE WHOLE BELPHEGOR MESS. GIVE ME THE OPTION TO NOT FORGIVE HIM. GIVE ME THE OPTION TO SIDE WITH DIAVOLO OVER HIM (hey diavolo if ur reading this it's u and me baby xx i'd side with you for anything) GIVE ME THE OPTION TO BE ANGRY AND PUNCH HIM IN THE NOSE FOR WHAT HE DID LIKE SHUT UP SHUT UPP SHUT UP if i was actually able to do that in the game i might like him more, but since the game physically barricaded me from being upset with him at all it just fueled my rage and now i dream of grinding him into a fine powder beneath my heel
  • HE MANIPULATES MC UNTIL HE'S ABLE TO ESCAPE FROM THE ATTIC AND THEN ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THEM AS THANKS. WHEN HE SAW MC WAS ALIVE AND WELL LIKE. WHAT. 5 MINUTES LATER? HE TRIED TO MURDER THEM AGAIN????? absolutely zero remorse from him whatsoever and yet mc doesn't care. no one cares. he never even apologizes for the manipulation/attempted murder he just cries a little when the lilith thing is revealed and then eberyone's like Yeahhh Family!! SHUT UP
  • i then continued on for several more paragraphs about my anger about belphegor and the whole lilith thing but it got redundant so i'll end it here

(obligatory if you do end up taking any of these into account, you don't have to take All of them!!! no pressure!!! different people and different opinions n all that. good luck again regardless and hope you have a great rest of your week <3)


Omg don't worry about it! Totally didn't take notes on all this haha, it was so helpful!! I love hearing feedback like this from players because it inspires me on what more I can do to improve the rewrite in comparison to og. Thank you so much!


This is amazing so far I love it! But quick question is there some kind of button I can use to go back in case I want to try different options or If I wanna go back and reread in case I missed something? And if not, is it possible to add one? Of course, you don't have to! 


Hey there, thank you so much! I actually removed the back button on purpose to give a more organic flow to the story and so that your choices actually matter, and adding one would interfere with the code backing. 

However, if you want to try rereading, you can always save your current story and then start another and choose different options if you'd like :)


Ah, I see. Thank you very much for replying!

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm so happy you're enjoying!! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

helloo, quick come I can't see the intimacy codex at the left sidebar? Is it a bug or is that normal?


Hey, so sorry about that! I realized that it was an accidental bug which occurred once I took Levi's birthday event off of the game. I've fixed it now, however, so you should be able to see it!


omg thank you so much, it is working now!


Looking forward to this a lot!! <3


Thank youu!

(1 edit) (+2)

This seems like such a nice game thank you so much honestly it's been a year since i gave up on obey me and i'm still kinda sad the game turned out like that it had so much potential to be a good game i was just day dreaming about the game and searching itch for some good text based games and here i found your game again thank you so much but i also have a problem when creating my character i have jade eyes but ... well here is the pic it seems like there is no problem when choosing my own hair color but not with the eyes ...i know it's a minor problem but i was hoping you could help me with it when you have time thank you in advance


Thank you so much! I apologize; that appears to be a bug. Thanks for reporting it; it will be fixed in the next update!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's okay your welcome and thank you for responding btw i'm glad i could help i finished the released chapters and played the older version and i'm loving it keep up the good work and get plenty of rest a good game is never rushed after all


Many thanks :) glad you're enjoying!


Your welcome i'm so glad i came across this game you're doing an amazing job




Wow! I absolutely love this. Also just followed the twitter and I looked forward to any updates. I appreciate the time put into this and I am excited to play more in the future <3 Have a good day/night!


Thank you so much! ^^


// im so sorry this turned so long lmao, hope none of you mind

oh my god this is a gem holy shit-- i more or less kinda wanted this sorta interactive fic stuff with canon divergence after chapter 16, which was what me and my friend considered an utter trainwreck in terms of what the fuck is happening and why (which is just my opinion haha, i might just be holding onto old memories of annoyance when i first went thru it. i just honestly just cant get over the fact that the demon dating sim cant let me do the haha mc now has trauma and needs copium lmao frfr n shit u-u). while all the fix-it fanfic on ao3 helped in that regard, it's nice to see some people got pretty dedicated to getting the experience we all probably hoped for in the actual game. 

i honestly kinda fell off OM after everything that happened in the following seasons (and the events... god the rapid fire events you legit cant breathe it was so horrible n so tiring for me.............) but i'm still pretty into this! i even got a bit to excited and read through what was the og build and honestly not even surprised i defaulted to leaning towards mammon during all of it-- once a mammon stan, always a mammon stan apparently.......

nevertheless! i still have! many!! thoughts!!! or, well, questions lmao-- i hope its okay that im pretty much spamming this whole comment section with my rambly ass because i genuinely cant stop ( T u T )

>>> rambly question time <<<

firstly, just to get this out of the way, i love mammon with all my heart and soul since he was the literal first pick i had at the start of OM since everyone else was Unavailable and Scary till some shit happened in-game and a certain season opened up a lotta doors to closet other chara simps. BUT ALSO--

barbatos........ him..... he..... <3

so while i know it's probably a real pain in the ass to manage literally 12 charas + seraphina (oooh interested in who she is tbh-- the one seraphina ik is the whole thing with levi), i just wanted to ask if the devious little creachur butler man could be fawned over by mc cause maaan i don't understand why i love him and his stupid cut... :pensive:

another question is more so due to what i saw on the old build.

as funny as it is in my head to continue playing with my chaotic hothead of an mc who would most likely bite back at any of the brothers should she consider it justified on her end (pre-getting to know them), would this have consequences like being barred from friendships? or is the intimacy point system (which will be implemented in the future im guessing) more so just flavor text kinda stuff?

and as for the final one, this one is less question and more so just me going on to say that i'm actually pretty happy to have found this-- like, so, i used to talk to my friend about asmo and how sad we were that the poor guy got literally no proper screen time canon wise despite how interesting he seems as a character. whenever we thought he'd get some character development, its like he (and everyone else, i realize) get reset to status quo despite there having been potential for more.... ://

we kinda just decided not to expect a lot from the om storyline despite it being kinda sad to drop into the whole mindset of "why did we expect more from a dating sim/otome" just to cope lmao-- so anyway, point being, thanks for this and i hope you/your friends/your team(?) take care of yourselves throughout this project! good luck on that and your many other endeavors! <3 <3


Hi there! First of all, I just want to say thank you so, so much for your support and praise! I'm incredibly happy and flattered you're enjoying this rewrite! 

I 100% agree with the whole Belphie thing; in all honesty I think the entire situation was very badly handled and then immediately brushed off. It was actually one of the major reasons I wanted to rewrite the plot alongside how everything gets rushed and boring afterwards.

Don't worry about the screentime; Barbatos and the other side characters will appear much sooner than in the original game and will be romanceable from the get-go. If you'd like to, you'll have the option to spend time with them since it's definitely understandable how the brothers aren't the best in the beginning :)

The personality in this new version will be much more detailed and organic than the og, but you'll still be able to be fiesty/hotheaded! This won't bar you from any friendships or anything; rather, it will simply change how the other characters view you and how much they like you, so it might increase or decrease the effort required to get close with certain characters.

Once again thank you so much for your support! <3


Thank you so much for this game!!! This is what I more or less had wished for lol (like the character creation and deciding what the MC's personality is like) and the fact that you are going to flesh out the characters makes me incredibly happy because while I adore the game and the boys, at times I found them too one-dimensional. I really look forward to play more <3

PS: A small question, are you going to implement to see whether you are choosing a romance-related response? Bcs I tend to struggle with romancing a specific LI when there is no such option lol

I'm so glad you're enjoying it!! So about romance, it's not exactly that there's "romance" and "non-romance" options, it's more like first you need to build a friendship or at least positive relationship with them by being more intimate. Later you'll have the option to pursue a certain love interest fully after Belphie is back from the attic, like essentially a separate "route" for each love interest. The options to to get closer romantically will be pretty obvious so don't worry about struggling :)


Hi there!! Thank you so much for starting on this project, I've only just gotten into the game and BOY do the dialogue options make me mad sometimes aaaaAAA but I was able to express myself more in this version!!! I am excited for the introduction of Seraphina too!! 

Side note: may I ask if you would be interested in beta testers or proofreaders/editors? I'm really invested in this project and I'd like to offer my time to help out in whichever way I can!

Thank you so much for the support; glad you're enjoying! As for the topic of beta testers, we'd love to have you! Do you happen to have Discord or another platform where we can coordinate the details?


Yes I do! You can find me on Discord at eleinamazing#3991, looking forward to hearing from you soon! ^^

I've sent you a friend request!


i'm honestly very excited how this will go especially with how our mc's choices impact the plot, I like how this is written but i think the conversation between the characters are going too steadfast and feels awkward? either way, it's still a pleasure to read and i can't wait for more <33


Thank you so much! Would you mind expanding on why you think the conversations feel awkward? Feedback helps improve the game so it's very much appreciated :)


When I read the dialogue, the tone of Diavolo and Lucifer feels bland when I imagine their voices— This is how I personally read it, others might disagree on it though. I can’t really feel Diavolo’s enthusiasm or Lucifer’s famous “MAMMOOOON” phrase. So it didn’t feel very impactful.

But the others’ tone and dialogue are good! I can still see how whiny Asmodeus is, how snarky Satan is, and especially Mammon’s beloved attitude <3. Of course, Beel’s abrupt interruptions are as funny as always.

The pace of the story also feels very fast so when I read throughout it doesn’t feel that impactful. I think it’s because when the MC was first dropped in Devildom, it’s too brief and I suggest a variety of reaction towards this scene would feel organic in a way as different people would express either shock or fear— The MC feels too calm and lenient that it feels sort of odd. Especially how any memories regarding MC is erased in the human world, that’d be a good opportunity for the MC to express anger or confusion towards the situation. 

I can see why this wasn’t put because of how hard coding is (From first-hand experience, it gave me a headache twice LOL) and I’d understand if you don’t wanna put too many choices in!


Ironically Diavolo and Lucifer are the two whose dialogue I took straight from the game instead of changing it, haha. As for the MC being calm, I imagined it to be like at first you just kinda think you're dreaming/are in denial, if that makes sense? Once Levi tries to kill you, though, that's when the shock and realization truly hits. In all honesty it is pretty difficult to have proper reactions in the very beginning when the player's personality isn't put in, so I apologize.

Still, I appreciate your feedback a lot! The Lucifer/Diavolo and memories situation are both valid points and I'll do my best to fix it in Version 1.0 to have it seem a little more organic :)


very nice<3




This is really interesting I love It!! I can't wait for more!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, so happy to hear it! <3



Thank you so much; glad you're enjoying!

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